Created in 2018 by Congolese musician Eric Malu-Malu, Kinarmonik is a musical center dedicated to the professionalization of the musical sector, it is divided into three poles: training, creation and production.
The training center offers comprehensive musical training, training both amateur and professional musicians in instrumental practice and music theory.
It also offers professional training in various areas of the music sector, such as artist image, contemporary music, or sound.
The creative center provides musicians with a rehearsal space, musical instruments, the Tremplin, a small stage for concerts, as well as a monthly program of various activities, opening up to different aspects of the music sector and promoting artistic exploration and innovation.
The production division plays an essential role in producing artists, tours and concerts, allowing musicians to realize their musical projects and the center to record and produce albums under the Kinarmonik Production label.

"With Kinarmonik, I try to create the place that I would have liked to have, when I was a young musician..."
Eric Malu-Malu President of Kinarmonik

PROFESSIONALIZE the Congolese music sector by promoting the development of skills through comprehensive training, workshops and masterclasses, by organizing training in music professions (sound engineer), by initiating professional meetings and national and international collaborations.

TO PROMOTE the richness of the country's musical heritage with Congolese musicians, in order to enrich their writing and their artistic identity. Create awareness of the importance of cultural identity through various actions: workshop led by musicians of different ethnicities, musical creation course on the multiple traditional rhythms of the DRC.
On an international level, promote the diversity of rhythms, make them known and integrate them into the global music industry.

TO ENCOURAGE the emergence of young musicians and groups, encourage them to compose and write their text. Train them on new digital technologies, introduce them to the stages of producing an album, inform them about copyright. Record and produce their titles and albums, distribute and broadcast them.

Since its creation in 2018, Kinarmonik has been actively committed to promoting parity in the musical field. The center has multiplied initiatives to encourage female musicians and young girls to come through its doors and get involved in music. Thanks to these actions, many women have been able to train, becoming authors, composers, and accomplished musicians. Kinarmonik continues to support this dynamic, offering a space where female creativity can flourish fully and contribute to enriching the Congolese music scene.

Zion Bass, Lucia and Leah

The 26 provinces of the DRC include around 400 tribes, each with at least one rhythm of its own, most often played on instruments that are mostly unknown to the world in general and to the Congolese in particular. This heritage is an inestimable wealth because it is the basis of our cultural identity. We regularly organize workshops led by musicians and dancers from all regions who come to pass on their know-how (instrument making), their music, their rhythm and their dance to the participants.
Mr Sauté Sauté legendary griot and spokesperson for the Pygmy community

They played with Papa Wemba or Franco, the Congolese rumba has no more secrets for them, stories and anecdotes, they always have to tell with pleasure! This whole generation of musicians holds the history of Congolese music, which is why Kinarmonik regularly invites them for workshops, musical meetings that promote the transmission of knowledge and thus allow young and at least young generations to benefit from moments of enriching and benevolent sharing.